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Canning, Canning and More Canning

I saw this image circulating the interweb, and it gave me some perspective. Right now it feels like I am living in the kitchen, which is a disaster, by the way. Because why in the world would I clean it, when tomorrow a million pounds of veggies are just going to dirty it again. We have what I would classify as a medium sized garden, and throughout winter have general access to a store, so I am not like these ladies, who must be canning machines. I am sure their families were proud, but they probably didn't answer the phone around garden harvest time (little red hen anyone?!?).

Back to the point at hand. Discovering a source of apples had me canning just a few jars of applesauce. This happens to be my hubbies favorite winter snack, so he is a happy man. But I stopped counting quarts at about lets just say he better be ready to eat applesauce at every meal this winter.

It all started with the rhubarb, which was less this year because I refused to take their excess, like I did last year. A few cakes and a load of rhubarb frozen yogurt was enough, since we are still eating rhutoon (saskatoon + rhubarb) jam from last year. Oh yes, then the saskatoons of course, frozen and pied. And then the raspberries...followed a similar fate, including more frozen yoghurt (which is honestly my favorite!) and jam.

The beans have also gone crazy, 20 bags in the freezer already, and it is only mid august. I know why some of my neighbors are pulling their plants, but I still don't have it in me to kill productive garden vegetation.

Now my parents are pushing the cucumbers (I don't even grow is that bad!), which get made into dill relish. And todays discovery of 2 pails full of ripe tomatoes have led me to salsa making tomorrow. Have I mentioned that it is only mid august!!

The point of this really is, while my life has been consumed with canning, somewhat of an anomoly in this day and age, I am no where near what these ladies accomplished. And they probably were more of the norm. Today's convenience of constant access to fresh fruit and veg has spoiled us, in more ways than we realize.

And now, because my back is aching, I am going into the hot tub! Ahhhh, the modern canner!!

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